Environmental Law is of recent creation. However, it has evolved remarkably as a branch of the legal system with an increasingly greater role in shaping our society.
In response to the need to promote research in this area, the Research Group has been developing intensive research since the mid-nineties. The group has focused part of its efforts on study, research, dissemination and training in environmental law.
The section of Environmental Law has developed its research activities in different fields, among which we can highlight the following: Community environmental law; Company environmental law; administrative management of projects and economic activities; fight against pollution; green procurement; free trade and environmental protection; and Galician environmental law.
The group members specialising in this subject are part of the Spanish Environmental Law Association, composed of the most well-known experts in the field, and the Centre for Environmental Policies, an initiative for the monitoring and study of Environmental Law, supported by the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs.